The rain
Beats against the window
In all of its
Existential freedom.

The paint from my brush
drips onto paper
In its self-designated chaos.

My mind wanders
Into alleyways of my imagination,
In the infinite possibilities
That exist beyond my small town.

All of the space theories
That I have saved on my laptop
With my recklessness,
And I cannot help but imagine myself
In a galaxy far away,
In a universe not yet discovered,
In a world still unbroken.

Happy, on a picnic mat
In some lush green hideout in Indian Suburbia.

who has not made the same mistakes over and over,
Who gets excited about the smallest of things,
Me with better music choices,
Me who looks at the clouds and spots mermaids.

Me with a lighter soul.
Me with a freer spirit.
Me with a riskier mind.


As I lie in bed questioning what I believe in
And why I do what I do,
Maybe I will choose to believe in multiverses.
Maybe tonight,
I will choose to breathe in the dreams
Of what could be,
And not what wasn’t.
And maybe, just maybe,
I will look
At the storm mourning outside my window
And instead of wishing to disappear
In the sky’s anger,
I will smile;
I will wave
To a better version of myself
Who is, somewhere far away,
Busy being a piece of art.
